- Keep weeds to a minimum as they will steal the vital nutrients and water from the rest of your lawn.
- Aerating your lawn will help it retain the water that it does receive, especially if the soil is compacted. This also promotes root growth.
- Watch for over-spraying onto sidewalks and adjust nozzles if needed.
- Watch for water run-off. Depending on the type of soil and the application rate of the irrigation system, run-off can happen quickly. If water isn’t given the proper amount of time to soak into the soil, it will run off the lawn and be wasted. Set up a Cycle and Soak to prevent excessive run-off.
- Mow your grass often (weekly), removing no more than 1/3 of the blade at a time. Leave the blades at proper grass height. Each sod type has a different mowing height. Don’t mow when the soil is wet, as this can compact the soil. Mulching lawn clippings can help lessen water evaporation and provide small amounts of nitrogen to the soil.
- Water early in the morning when temperatures are cooler. Watering later in the day will cause water to evaporate in the heat.
- Install or switch to low-volume irrigation, such as low-flow nozzles. Lower application rates mean less run-off, and there is often a 10%-30% drop in water usage. Low-flow heads often run a little longer than traditional ones, but in the end they are much more efficient at conserving water. Low-volume irrigation produces smaller droplet sizes which allows water to penetrate deeper into the ground and get down to the root zones.
- It is better for the overall health of a lawn to water infrequently (not every day) but deeply enough to wet the soil to the recommended depth. This reduces disease, helps air to move to the plant roots, and conserves water.
- Watch for signs of stress in your lawn, including leaf blades rolling or folding, grass leaves turning a dull color, and footprints that remain in the grass after you walk across the lawn.
- Maintain your lawn equipment. When mower blades are dull they tear grass blades, which stresses the lawn and can use more water to try to recover from that stress.
It is important to remember that many types of grass can survive short periods of stress from drought; however, some types of grass can turn brown and go dormant. Depending on the severity of the drought, once rain returns or watering can begin again, the grass can recover, although it may take several months.