Category: Lawn Care

Lawn Care / Jun 12, 2024

How Long Does Grass Seed Take to Grow?

Landscaping a lush, green lawn for your California home? Grass seed germination is crucial and takes about 5 to 30 days, depending on the seed type and your lawn conditions. Factors like soil quality, temperature (ideally between 50°F and 65°F), and regular watering significantly impact how quickly your grass sprouts. Quick-growing ryegrass can sprout in….

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Lawn Care / Jun 12, 2024

How to Get Rid of Moss in Your Lawn

Having a lush, green lawn is a point of pride for many homeowners. If you’ve noticed patches of moss taking over your lawn, it might be due to factors like poor drainage, compacted soil, or too much shade. Using the right combination of techniques can help you tackle this lawn problem head-on. There are several….

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Lawn Care / Jun 06, 2024

What Is the Best Lawn Fertilizer to Use in Summer?

Keeping your lawn lush in the summer heat isn’t just about watering—it’s also about using the right fertilizer. Summer-specific fertilizers packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium help your grass stay strong and vibrant, despite the heat and drought. With so many options out there, picking the best one can be tricky. It depends on your….

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Lawn Care / Jun 06, 2024

Should You Reseed or Re-Sod Your Lawn?

Noticing your lawn looking a bit sparse? You might be debating whether to reseed or resod. Reseeding plants new grass seeds directly into the soil, filling bare spots and thickening your lawn. Meanwhile, resodding offers a quick fix with pre-grown grass rolls for an instant lush lawn. Each method has its pros and cons, so….

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Lawn Care / May 08, 2024

The Cost of Sod Installation in Los Angeles

Los Angeles folks love a quick yard makeover, and sod’s their secret weapon. It turns drab to fab overnight, fitting perfectly with our sunny vibes and water-wise ways. The price? It swings depending on the grass type, yard size, and prep needed. Picking the right sod means weighing LA’s unique climate and soil. Wondering about….

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Lawn Care / Apr 10, 2024

The Cost of Sod Installation in Sacramento (2024)

In Sacramento, picking the right sod matters. Why? Our hot summers and cool winters mean not all grass types cut it. Cost-wise, it’s all about the grass you choose, how much you need, and getting it laid down right. So with that being said, let’s dive into making your sod work in Sacramento without breaking….

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