
Bugs / Apr 13, 2021

Beetles In Your Lawn

In 1916, a Japanese beetle was accidentally introduced to Riverton by way of nursery stock. This metallic-colored insect caused havoc in eastern US states and is now only east of the Mississippi River except Florida. The adults are most active during June through August while they feed on susceptible plants that often end up defoliated….

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Lawn Care / Jan 21, 2021

Organic Lawn Fertilizer

Bat guano, liquid kelp, homemade compost, and chicken manure – what do these four things have in common? If you don’t already know, this guide to organic lawn fertilizer should help you learn.  All of the ingredients listed above are things that are prized by organic gardeners the world over. There are all types of….

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Lawn Care / Apr 24, 2020

How Sod Delivery Works

You placed your order for new sod, and now all you need to do is wait for it to be delivered. With SodLawn, you won’t have to wait for long to boast a beautiful landscape, as we aim to deliver all orders on time and in a professional manner. We believe in providing delivery services….

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Lawn Care / Apr 24, 2020

New Sod Care

How you take care of your new sod will depend on when you installed it. Taking care of your sod during warmer months is just below. If you’re laying new sod during colder months, skip to Caring For Your New Sod Lawn During Cold Months. Caring For Your New Sod Lawn During Warm Months The….

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Turfs / Apr 14, 2020

What is Water Star Rated Seed?

Water Star is a trademark of Pennington Seed given to qualified seed that has been tested by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA) and proven to use significantly less water. This independent and external testing by the TWCA offers results that are objectively based on computer analysis, which includes the analysis of digital images, density….

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Lawn Care / Apr 13, 2020

Watering Grass in Winter

Winter watering can be tricky since a specific “recipe” for how and when to water your lawn does not exist. Watering depends on many factors, including: Cool Season Lawns Cool season lawns, such as ryegrasses or fescues, prefer cooler temperatures and do well during mild winters, but still require consistent watering if there are long….

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{{ toastMessage }}

Select the shape of the section

Lawn Area Calculator

Total Area = {{totalArea}} sq ft

plot plan

Break down your lawn into easy-to-measure shapes!
Use a tape measure to find the dimensions of each section, and let us do the math for you.

  • {{calculateArea(plot)}} sq ft
